Hibernia Online Prep Course


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The Dublin Academy of Education is running an online course aimed at those who will be doing the Irish language interview for the Professional Masters in Education in Hibernia College.
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Resources to prepare you for Hibernia interview

Over 10 hours of content to prepare you for the Hibernia interview
2 mock online oral exams with feedback on what area’s to improve on
Comprehensive study notes
12 Weeks Access to the videos

The online course focuses on the main topics of conversation that arise for the Hibernia interview:

The structure of the Hibernia interview
Where you live/Your Family
What’s your current profession
Holiday & Travel
Why you want to become a teacher
About your hobbies/lifestyle
Speaking about the future

Meet the Teacher of this Hibernia Prep Course

Séadhan De Poire

Séadhan specialises in providing his Irish students with a clear, fundamental understanding of Irish, and how the marking scheme is applied in state exams. His style of teaching is focused on covering the curriculum in a concise way, so all of his students have the tools to successfully manage the likely exam questions.

Séadhan has proven himself to be a very popular teacher due to his ability to stimulate students’ interest in the subject. He has worked with the State Examinations Commission correcting written exam papers and as an Oral Examiner for the Leaving Certificate. He has also taught in the Gaeltacht in Coláiste Ciarán and Coláise Ó Direáin. Séadhan has authored two Junior Certificate Irish textbooks.

The online Hibernia course includes videos to help you with the following topics:

Mé Féin
Mo Theaglach
M'árt chónaithe
Mo Theach
An Teilifís
An Phictiúrlann
An Teicneolaíocht
Na hAipeanna
Na Meáin Shóisialta
Míbhuntaistí na Teicneolaíochta
Teicneolaíocht sa Scoil
An Ghaeltacht
Na Meáin Chumarsáide
Turas chuig an nGaeltacht
An Scoil
An tOideachas
Traeithe an mhauinteora
Laethanta Saoire
Deireadh Seachtaine
Mo Phost
Gnath Lá Oibre
Ag Siopadoireacht
An Saol Laethúil
Na Briathra Coitianta
An Aimsir Chaite
An Aimsir Láithreach
An Aimsir Fháistineach
An Modh Coinníollach
An Chopail (The Copula)