HPAT Exam Study Talk



 For those 5th and 6th year students who are interested in pursuing medicine in

 the furture, the HPAT exam is one of the most challanging yet vitally important

 obstacles in their path.


 Here at The Dublin Academy Of Education, we want to help our students who

 are currently studying or exploring the possiblility of studying the

 HPAT exam the best we can.


 On Janurary 11th we had one of our former students, Niamh Fitter, come into

 the school to discuss her own experiences with the HPAT. 


 Niamh was able to explain to our current students what, in her experience, was

 the most ideal approach to take when studying the HPAT and prehaps even

 more crucially, what mistakes to avoid in the process. 


 Many thanks to Niamh for giving up her time to come in and talk to our students.



Did you know that students in our Leaving Cert Grinds and Full-Time School can avail of a discount on MedEntry HPAT Courses? For more info, please see here.
