August Preparation Courses


Now Available:

Our August Preparation Courses are now available to book on our website. These courses are designed to give studnets a head start going into the 2023/24 academic year. These courses are to run over a four day period from Tuesday the 15th of August to Friday the 18th of August. Every class is 75 minutes in duration each day. Discounts are available for those purchasing mulitple August Prep Courses - visit our website for details.


Cover Key Topics:

- Get key topics covered before the school year starts and get an amazing head-start on your peers.

- Having loads off key topics covered in August means you'll have more time to focus on other aspects of the course (or yourself) throughout the year.


H1 Study Notes:

- Each August Preparation Course is 75 minutes in duration each day. 

- Our H1 Study Notes are designed to streamline your revision and ultimatly save you time.


How Can I Attend?

- Students can attend our August Preparation Courses On-Site in our Stillorgan School.

- Students can aslo attend online via our Live-Stream option. 


To book your spot on any of our August Preparation Courses,please visit our website or give us a call on +353 1 442 4442.
