In accordance with section 11 of the Children First Act 2015 and with the requirement of Chapter 8 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools, 2017, the following is the Written Risk Assessment of The Dublin Academy of Education (DAE), Dublin.
List  of  school Activities
Before School Starts (8.00am)
Students are on campus (at lockers, recreational areas, toilets and canteen)
Attending supervised activities (in clubs, or at extra classes)
During the Normal School Day (9:30am- 4:30pm)
Class captains are carrying out their duties
Students are attending one-to-one activities such as:
Oral exams
Tuition outside the timetabled curriculum
Guidance/Year Head/Deputy Principal/Principal meetings or
Receiving assistance from teachers
Being interviewed by outsiders
Students are in supervised group activities such as:
Attending class
Receiving group tuition outside the timetabled curriculum
Students are in other activities such as:
Having meals in the canteen
Attending events with visiting speakers
Taking part in LC Practicals, LC Orals or Mock Practicals
Taking part in school events
Attending Lunch Clubs
Doing Mock Interviews with volunteers from outside
Attending events during the day
Attending events in other schools either as part of the curriculum or as part of an extra-curricular activity
After School (After 4:30pm), students are:
Engaged in general unsupervised activities
Engaged in supervised group activities
Receiving assistance after school / additional classes
Attending After School Study
Engaged in Extra-Curricular clubs
Involved in sports team training and matches
Attending fundraising events
In unsupervised activities waiting for their parents to collect them
Involved in self-organised clubs, drama or sporting activity after school
Students are on trips off campus (same day return). These include (but are not limited to):
Athletics Zones
Art trips to city centre
Bonding Days
RDS BT Young Scientist Exhibition
Year 6 Geographical Investigations
Third Level Institutions
Subject trips
English Trips to plays
Sports events
Supporters trips
Sports teams away matches on buses, taxis, lifts etc.
General Activities not covered above:
The use of IT and Communication technology by students and staff
The use of video, photography or other media to record class activities or school events
Outside organisations use the school buildings and sports facilities
The school has identified the following areas of risk:
Risk of child being harmed in the school by an employee of the school
A visitor/volunteer in the school
Another child
A member of the public, trespasser or other user of school facilities
A parent
Contract staff
Risk of child being harmed while participating in out-of-school activities (trips, supporters, etc.) by:
An employee of the school
A member of staff of another organization
Any other person (bus/taxi drivers/a member of the public )
Other students (DAE and non-DAE)
Parent volunteer
Risk of harm in one-to-one teaching/counselling/coaching situation and/or risk of harm due to:
Bullying of a child
Inadequate supervision in school
Inadequate supervision of children while attending out of school activities
Inappropriate relationship between child and another child/adult
Inappropriate communication between child and another child/adult children inappropriately accessing/using computers, social media, phones, and other devices while in school
Risk of harm caused by a school employee or volunteer communicating with pupils in an inappropriate manner via social media, texting, digital device or other manner accessing/circulating inappropriate material.
Risk of harm from contact between coaching staff and pupils taking sport
Increased risk of harm to pupils at quiet times of the day when there is less activity on the campus
Risk of harm to children with SEN who have particular vulnerabilities
Risk of harm not being properly and promptly reported by school personnel
Risk of harm not being recognised by school personnel
Risk of harm from a child’s own parent who visits the campus
The School has the following Procedures in place to address the risks of harm identified in this Assessment
DAE promotes itself as a ‘telling’ school. Pupils are encouraged to talk and staff will listen to all child protection concerns.
There is a Code of Conduct in place.
There is an Anti-Bullying Policy in place which fully adheres to the requirements of the DES Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary schools.
The school has a Student Welfare Policy
The school will remind staff, at least annually, of these policies and of child protection obligations as detailed in  Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, 2017. The school will always endeavour to ensure that employees understand these obligations.
All teaching staff are mandated persons and are obliged to fully adhere to Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, 2017. The Dublin Academy of Education of the College will implement these procedures in full.
The Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, Â 2017 will be available to all staff, parents and the wide community on the DAE website.
This Child Safeguarding Statement will be available to all school personnel, will be publically available on the DAE website and will be available at the main entrance to the school.
As a result of adherence to the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, 2017, the DAE adheres to the requirements of Garda Vetting and relevant DES circulars in relation to recruitment and Garda Vetting.
All employees of the school are required to complete the Tusla on-line Child Protection eLearning Module, and all other training as deemed appropriate by the Board of Management of the school.
All employees newly taken on by the school will be obliged to sign up to and implement the DAE Child Safeguarding Statement.
DAE teachers are required to adhere to the standards and Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers as published by the Teaching Council. In particular, it is noted that communication with pupils will be ‘in a manner that is professional’.
The school has a Code of Practice for Teachers
The DAE has an ICT and Acceptable Use Policy for users of IT in the College which is published on the College website.
Teaching staff members are briefed on supervision requirements of the campus and are supplied with guidelines on supervision.
CCTV cameras in public areas of the campus, with viewing access strictly limited to DAE personnel when necessary.
DAE has in place a Critical Incident Management Plan.
All visitors are required to call to reception.
Visitors are required to wear a Visitor Badge or will be accompanied on the campus.
The school ICT network is filtered and monitored.
In undertaking this risk assessment, The Dublin Academy of Education has endeavoured to identify as far as possible the risks of harm that are relevant to the DAE and to ensure that adequate procedures are in place to manage all risks identified. While it is not possible to foresee and remove all risk of harm, the DAE has in place the procedures listed in this risk assessment to manage and reduce risk to the greatest possible extent.
It shall be reviewed as part of the DAE’s annual review of its Child Safeguarding Statement.